IEC Idaho Code of Ethics

I. We fully appreciate the honor and responsibilities that go with membership in the Association.

II. We therefore pledge ourselves to always conduct our business affairs in such an ethical manner as will uphold and elevate the prestige of this Association.

III. We solemnly pledge ourselves to zealously guard the best interests of our industry and the public at all times.

IV. We shall recommend adequate wiring and quality materials on every installation.

V. We shall train ourselves and our employees to do all work in accordance with the Local and National Electrical Codes and Good Engineering Standards and with current safety practices.

VI. We shall keep ourselves and our employees posted on the latest progressive engineering ideas and developments in materials and equipment.

VII. We shall maintain good working conditions in our shops and on our jobs and pay our employees a fair price for their labor.

VIII. We shall word all our contracts in a clear and definite manner.

IX. We shall live up to all bonafide agreements with Customers, Supplier and Employees.

X. We shall treat our Customers, Competitors, and Employees fairly at all times.

XI. All member contractors should conduct themselves in an honorable manner. Examples of conduct considered to be dishonorable may include: directly targeting the hiring of another member’s employees and untimely payment of liabilities from one member to another, or of membership dues to the chapter.

XII. We shall not knowingly indulge in any unfair trade practices.

XIII. We pledge ourselves to try to attend meetings regularly and take an active part in Association affairs.